Book to visit Chile now! International arrival numbers set to surge in 2016…

At a recent tourism event in California, Chile was the trending topic! Not because of a major earthquake, not because of a spectacular mining rescue, simply because it is being requested more and more as a desirable tourism destination.
The world really does seem like a much smaller place in our current decade. With space travel becoming a “relatively” affordable option, travel to once forgotten corners of the world such as Chile, is suddenly not so off-the-beaten track anymore.
Earlier this year predictions edged around 5 million international visitors by 2020. Now they are confidently predicting 5.6 million international visitors by the end of 2016! This whopping figure looks set to become reality after some fantastic first half year data stats. A total of 2,837,315 travelers visited the South American country in the first six months of 2016, a 28% increase over the same period last year, according to tourism ministry officials. These figures, combined with the record 2015 numbers, have accelerated Chile’s growth to unexpected levels.

Luis Felipe Céspedes, Chile’s Minister of Economy, attributes these strong arrival figures to the value of the dollar for those coming from stronger economies, along with a wider range of airlines flying direct to Chile than before, as well as significant international marketing of the destination.
Well known attractions such as the Atacama Desert, Easter Island and Torres del Paine national park in the far south have always been on the traveler radar…. They are now joined by emerging national destinations such as the eclectic Chiloé Island, the northern beaches, and our very own lakes and volcanoes region here in the mid-south of the country.

Investment in tourism infrastructure continues to increase. According to a September report from travel research firm STR, Chile is one of five Latin American destinations with more than 1,000 hotel rooms under construction, with seven properties in the pipeline accounting for 1,016 rooms.
Increased visitor numbers also pose challenges which are rapidly being solved by structured visitor-management system at popular locations such as Torres del Paine National Park. Under new Conaf (National Forestry Corporation) rules, visitors must register for overnight stays at the campsites within the national park. Designed to enhance the quality of the visitor experience and protect natural and cultural resources in areas close to the trails, this management system proves Chile’s commitment to protect the raw wilderness while at the same time offering an excellent traveler experience.
So, what does all this mean for you? Simple really. Come now, soon, before numbers continue to swell and your work colleagues beat you to it by posting images of their Chile experience on Facebook.
Being located in the adventure tourism capital of Chile in the mid-south, Pucón is a great place to start your adventure. The word “adventure” no longer needs to be linked to “dorm room” or “camping”… you can sleep in style and still spend your days exploring the beauty of our local national parks, crystalline waterfalls and Mapuche culture.

Contact us here today to guarantee your summer season reservation before someone else beats you to it! This is the view from your room awaiting you at Lake Lodge.

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